Independence Day
On 4th July each year Americans go to town on celebrating their national pride on Independence Day.
And well they might, as independence is wonderful thing – not only for countries! As independent estate and letting agents we experience daily what it is to be free of the constraints of corporate governance, number crunching, management reports and toeing the party line. The only people we have to report back to are the most important of all – our customers!
Being independent means that we can adapt and respond to changes in the market without having to run it past a committee. Speed of response is essential in these changing times. If a property needs a marketing boost, we give it one! Independence also means that the directors are personally involved in the business – after all – it’s our future, our names above the door, and we make a point of ensuring that those values we cherish personally are instilled across the business as a whole. We tend to work very much in partnership with our clients and are sometimes quite selective as to which properties we accept onto our books. None of this would be as easy if we were a PLC.
Most important of all is our people. They all feel part of a strong and committed team where their individual strengths are immediately appreciated and rewarded. Their great team spirit and professionalism combine with a sense of fun, enabling them to focus on helping people move (rather than selling ancillary services), allowing us to provide an enjoyable and efficient service to our clients, of which I am very proud.
So for truly accountable service why not call us for a chat about your property needs today on 01371 876678? Happy Independence Day!
– Richard & Jude