Accompanied Viewings Highly Preferable
It is incredible that so few agents regularly accompany buyers around a property, leaving it to the seller to do all the work! Not only does this strike us as poor service, but accompanied viewings from a well-trained sales negotiator have a far greater chance of success, for the following reasons.
1. The heart! The buyer’s initial objective is simply to get a feel for the property, asking themselves “could we be happy here?” In order to buy the property, they need to fall in love with it. During a first viewing, the last thing the heart needs is the seller highlighting small details that are not relevant and can be very distracting. The buyers might also be also keen to discuss their heartfelt plans for the property, which is embarrassing and difficult within earshot of the seller. Also the last thing the heart wants is a pushy seller trying to force a sale, just because the seller is so keen to sell.
2. The brain. The brain really kicks in on the second viewing. The heart has already booked a removal company following the first viewing, but the brain says “hey, not so fast – we need to see the property again – just to be sure!” So on the second viewing, the buyer is looking for reasons NOT to buy the property. Those small details that were irrelevant on the first viewing now become useful – unless they were unnecessarily “spent” on the first viewing. Also, the agent who accompanies the first viewing will have listened out for buying signals and objections that the seller might have missed, and which can be harnessed during the second viewing.
3. Understanding/empathy. A good negotiator will build a relationship with the buyer, understanding their needs, preferences, hopes, aspirations and potential areas of compromise. Armed with this knowledge the agent will not just “show” the property, but “explore” it enthusiastically, whilst demonstrating how it could fit with the buyer’s lifestyle in the context of other properties the agent is also showing them. The seller on the other hand, has no understanding of the buyer and can only say “this is the bathroom”!
For more strategic agency on any aspect of your move, please feel free to call us on 01371 876678